I looked into this, whilst I was able to find the playlist in the scripts for the three stations that are in that menu, I cannot find the same for those two stations, So I must assume R uses some other method. Also, there is a limit of 40 stations on the wheel (inlcuding OFF), I hit that limit, so I needed to disable two stations for still slipping to show up.Įdit: I have fixed this now, because I noticed R tries to disable the still slipping and the kult station, so next version of trainer will ensure if enabled on radio wheel (the default) they will be on the radio wheel, also by default Weazel news will be disabled, and only if you enable it will it show. Easy fix, go to vehicle options, Enable/disable Radio station from radio wheel, this will run that startup code again, that will make still slipping re-appear. Ok, I run code at startup to detect the stations and put 'locked' stations on your wheel, it seems that maybe for still slipping, this code runs to soon.