Play chaotic card game guardian

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The game does away with traditional inputs like dice, instead getting you to chuck your monster at buildings, or use your lung power to literally blow them down. After building a cartoon cardboard city from the set’s chunky components, players take control of large wooden Godzilla-like monsters who just want to destroy. Terror in Meeple City Previously known as Rampage, Terror in Meeple City is a game of smashing things. It’s all about treading the fine line between being too obvious and too obscure, and it beautifully reflects the social dynamic – becoming puerile and silly with one group of friends, or serious and musing with others. Players must describe dream-like images presented on lavishly printed cards, the aim being to mislead some rivals into an incorrect identification, while encouraging others to get it right. It’s a game of beautiful illustrations and semiotic trickery. Will Freemanĭixit While numerous tabletop titles come drenched with jargon and rules, Dixit is free of such complexity. Have a read, then add your own favourites at the end.

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